Welcome to Honey Bee Watch

An International Coalition to Protect Survivor Colonies

As a participant contributing data on honey bees, you help us better understand the biological, behavioral, and environmental traits that favor survivorship among free-living and untreated colonies. With more than seven species of honey bees around the world, Honey Bee Watch is a multi-year, global study that starts with a UK-based pilot focused on Apis mellifera and will eventually expand in stages to new regions and include other Apis species.

Our aim is to increase scientific knowledge about these species, leading to educational programs and conservation initiatives to inspire the wider public to act locally to protect threatened or endangered populations.

To learn more, visit our website at www.HoneyBeeWatch.com and/or follow our social media on Facebook and Instagram.

We appreciate your participation.

If you have any questions, please contact us at honeybeewatch.info@gmail.com.

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