As soon as you identify a honey bee nest, keep a safe distance from the entrance. Although honey bees are generally not aggressive, especially if left undisturbed, occasionally they do act unexpectedly. So stay safe!
To help us validate the nests you enter into Honey Bee Watch, please follow these simple guidelines for taking and submitting pictures:
Frame the honey bee nest. Include its entrance. If the nest is too high up, difficult to reach, or you cannot photograph it, take the best picture you can and then point to or circle the nest's entrance by using an image editor.
Only upload clear pictures. Try to photograph at least one stationary bee. Stabilize the camera as best you can. Take photos with ample sunlight, ideally with the sun behind you.
Avoid shots that contain sensitive information, such as people's faces, license plates, logos, commercial advertisements, etc.
Avoid any features that could identify the location of the nest. In order to protect the exact location of nests registered with Honey Bee Watch, we mask their GPS coordinates. An additional precaution is to avoid identifying features in your photographs, such as landmarks and street signs.
Thanks for your effort and kind help.
The Honey Bee Watch Team